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Poštovani klijenti, Privredna banka Sarajevo d.d. Sarajevo  je ZA JAVNI POZIV ZA DOSTAVU PONUDA ZA PRUŽANJE ZAŠTITARSKIH USLUGA   PRODUŽILA ROK ZA DOSTAVU PONUDA DO PONEDJELJKA 08.04.2024 GODINE DO 16,00 SATI na zahtjev zaštitarskih agencija. S poštovanjem, Privredna banka Sarajevo

Zaštitarska agencija

1. DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBJECT OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT 1.1. The subject matter of the procurement includes the provision of security services as follows:  LOT 1 – physical protection of people and property  LOT 2 - technical protection of people and property  LOT 3 – protection, transfer, transport and...
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