Mon - Fri : 08:00 - 16:00
+387 33 278 520

Deferred payment of credit obligations for clients affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 Interim Measures Programme

Dear clients,

in order to mitigate the negative economic consequences caused by the covid-19 pandemic, we offer you the following measures: 

A moratorium (deferral) of payment of credit obligations;
The introduction of the grace period;
Extending the loan repayment period;
to approve an additional exposure amount for the purpose of overcoming current liquidity problems;
other applicable measures or a combination of measures.


Mjere will be granted to clients:

which have deteriorated creditworthiness,
whose source of loan repayment has been reduced and thus prevented or will be prevented from settling liabilities to the Bank,
which are prevented from regular business,
Those who are not in delay with the repayment of due liabilities for more than 90 days on 29 February 2020,

if this is due to the negative impact caused by the pandemic of the viral disease "COVID-19".

Applications for a temporary moratorium can be submitted until June 15, 2020.

The completed application with accompanying documentation can be submitted in electronic form to the e-mail address: or in exceptional cases personally at the Bank branch where the loan was realized with the adopted protective measures.

Forany additional questions, you can contact the Bank branch via the contact phone available on the PBS Branch Network.

Requests will be processed as soon as possible and feedback will be provided.

Your Bank of Sarajevo!